Academics have studied communication and religion for some 40 years, but the area only slowly received recognition in the wider area of mass media studies. Media studies grew from the social sciences and like all social sciences initially emphasized empirical or even scientific methods and a secular orientation. Not surprisingly, it took time to incorporate elements like belief and spiri- …
Fenomena UFO ternyata diminati juga di Indonesia. Sejak tahun 70an hingga kini, berbagai komunitas pemerhati UFO telah berdiri. Kebanyakan mungkin sudah tidak eksis lagi, namun di masa kini dengan dimudahkan oleh sosial media serta informasi dari internet, banyak komunitas yang tumbuh subur, termasuk komunitas penggiat UFO.
Buku yang ditulis oleh Saudara Dr. Kadir, M.Pd., dengan judul “Statistika Terapan: Konsep, Contoh dan Analisis Data dengan Program SPSS/Lisrel dalam Penelitian,” ini akan menambah dan memperkaya referensi statistika yang bisa dimanfaatkan tidak hanya oleh kalangan mahasiswa pada jenjang S1, S2, dan S3, tetapi juga oleh peneliti dan masyarakat umum yang tertarik mempelajari statistika. …
This textbook provides study materials for the participants of the course named Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data that we teach at our university for the third year. Material provided here should serve both for the introductory and the advanced versions of the course. We admit that some parts of the text would profit from further polishing, they are quite rough but we hope in further…
Riset tanaman obat dari hutan merupakan program riset prioritas nasional bagi Kementerian Kesehatan. Namun demikian, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) dalam hal ini Badan Litbang dan Inovasi (BLI) sebagai penanggungjawab dan pengelola riset yang berkaitan dengan bioprospeksi dari biodiversitas hutan tropis, juga melakukan riset tanaman obat dari hutan tropis Indonesia. Output u…
Optimization is a subject that is widely and increasingly used in science, engineering, economics, management, industry, and other areas. It deals with selecting the best of many possible decisions in real-life environment, constructing computational methods to find optimal solutions, exploring the theoretical properties, and studying the computational performance of numerical algorithms implem…
Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park (PGSP) memiliki Visi sebagai center of excellent for geospatial information technology, education, research and innovation di bidang kepesisiran dan kelautan di Indonesia. Berbagai misi telah disusun sebagai jembatan mewujudkan visi PGSP. Terkait dengan Visi tersebut, PGSP melakukan penyusunan buku untuk mendukung eksistensi, pengembangan, dan wujud dedikas…
C# programmers: no more translating data structures from C++ or Java to use in your programs! Mike McMillan provides a tutorial on how to use data structures and algorithms plus the first comprehensive reference for C# implementation of data structures and algorithms found in the .NET Framework library, as well as those developed by the programmer. The approach is very practical, using timing t…
With four English editions, and translations into four other languages forthcoming. This edition added some classical material that may have been missed so far, in particular on linear programming, the network simplex algorithm, and the max-cut problem. This edition also added a number of new exercises and up-to-date references.
This book provides a clear and concise explanation of withholding tax and how to leverage best practice to generate improved investment performance. It gives practical guidance to financial service firms and investors to help them understand the issues involved, trends and practicalities of maximizing returns on investment.