Introduction to feedback control
Does the world really need another introductory textbook on feedback control? For many years we have felt that the many quality textbooks that currently exist are more than sufficient. However, several years ago the first author (RWB) had an experience that changed my mind, and the minds of my colleagues. I had just finished teaching the introductory feedback control course at BYU. I had a need for a new master’s student in my research group and hired one of the top students in the class. We had designed a gimbal system for a small unmanned air vehicle, and we needed a control system implemented on a microcontroller for the gimbal. I tasked this new master’s student to model the gimbal and design the control system. I was surprised by how much the student struggled with this task, especially understanding where to begin and how to model the gimbal. If I had given him a transfer function and asked him to design a PID controller, or if I had given him a state space model and asked him to design an observer and controller for the system, he would not have had any difficulty. But he did not know how to do an end-to-end design that required developing models for the system, including physical constraints. It was this experience that convinced me that my current approach to teaching feedback control was inadequate.
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