Fisheries supply a critically important ecosystem service—providing high quality food resources to a burgeoning human population. Fishery products are among the most widely traded commodities in global markets. Fish and shellfish provide 3.1 billion people with nearly 20 per cent of their annual consumption of animal protein (FAO 2018). Perhaps more significantly, food derived from aquatic so…
This book is the first to present in a systematic manner the application of game theory to fisheries management at both international and national levels. Strategic interaction among fishers and nations exploiting fishery resources is an inescapable fact of life. This has long been recognized at the international level, and is becoming increasingly recognized at the national/regional level. It …
With this book, we draw attention to one of the crises that faces the World Ocean. As social scientists, we have conducted research in the areas of fishing and aquaculture, and have come to recognize the central significance of marine systems for human life. Individually and together, we have published many articles focused on fisheries and aquaculture. This work has appeared in various scholar…
Advances in Tuna Aquaculture is the first book that encompasses all aspects related to this industry and it merges them into a state-of-the-art compendium that points the reader in the right direction, whether a science student, a researcher, a fisherman, or a farmer. It presents developments in tuna aquaculture throughout the world, from ranching wild juvenile fish to closed-cycle cultivation …
The marine and brackishwater aquaculture is defined as the rearing of marine or brackishwater organisms under controlled environmental and feed conditions. Aquaculture is a rapidly growing food production industry, accounting for over one-third of global fisheries production and is a lucrative industry in the domestic and international markets.
It is clear that global aquaculture production needs to expand signifi cantly, even to maintain average per capita consumption of foodfish, let alone to increase it (as is desirable to enhance human nutrition and food supply). Capture fisheries cannot meet these demands. This fact, and the growing realisation that responsible, sustainable aquaculture is potentially beneficial for the environmen…
Aquaculture continues to maintain its position as a major provider of protein‐rich seafood. Capture fisheries cannot meet the demand. Aquaculture must grow rapidly to make up for the shortfall in seafood supply by addressing the mounting challenges that constrain its expansion.
Fisheries and aquaculture depend directly on the natural environment for their productive capacity. The challenges for fisheries and aquaculture policy makers are to deliver on economic and social goals while respecting the natural biological limits of the resource. How to succeed in this has been a central subject of work by the OECD’s Committee for Fisheries.
This book is dedicated to the Silver bream, a fish too long neglected by anglers, wildlife enthusiasts and science. In fact, this is the first book ever devoted to this freshwater fish. Scientist, author and broadcaster Dr Mark Everard introduces the biology of the silver bream, angling for this fish, and its diverse social quirks and values
This edited volume “Aquaculture Perspective of Multi-Use Sites in the Open Ocean: The Untapped Potential for Marine Resources in the Anthropocene” comes at a critical time for our planet. A 2015 article in Science updated the long-range population projections of the United Nations in 1992. In contrast to the 1992 UN estimate, the Science paper showed no stabilization of the world’s popula…
What is a bestiary? In classical and medieval times, the bestiary described both familiar and exotic creatures, combining natural history with folklore and moral lessons. A medieval bestiary will tell us that the wolf, for example, is a predator of the earth and sometimes the sky, strong in shoulders and jaw, who cunningly approaches its prey upwind. In the dark, its shining eyes are strangely …
Do you enjoy fishing? Do you enjoy seafood? Do you like the idea of your children and your children’s children being able to enjoy the same? If so, read on. This book is about aquaculture. It is about what aquaculture can and does provide the human race. It is about what aquaculture does well and where mistakes have been made.
In 2015, world aquaculture production reached 106 million tonnes, while European aquaculture production reached 2.98 million tonnes of seafood, with a value over 11 billion USD (FAO, 2017). Although the world aquaculture production is still the fastest-growing food-producing sector in the world, the European one increased by about 136% in the last 10 years. Organic aquaculture represents 4.7% o…
Shrimps are animals known to most people as nutritious and tasty food items. Shrimp fisheries and aquaculture are a vital part of US and world economies. These crustaceans are key ecological and food-web components of marine and freshwater habitats. Shrimps occur in all oceanic depths and latitudes. The 4400 species of decapod shrimps are amazingly diverse in size, shape, coloration, and natura…
Nanotechnology is a cutting-edge science and technology with numerous scientific and technological applications. Rapid breakthroughs in nanosciences and nanotech nologies have opened up new possibilities for many industrial and consumer sec tors, including aquaculture and agriculture and associated fields, which have recently been considered a hotspot of a new industrial revolution.
Developmental biology is the study of growth, development, regeneration, sexual and asexual reproduction, metamorphosis, and the growth and differentiation of stem cells in the adult organism. Such studies used to be carried out by using morphological, anatomical, and microscopic approaches, and the scope of understanding was mostly limited to answering what happens with each of these processes…
Pada tanggal 21 Maret 2016, Tetra Tech diberi mandat untuk melaksanakan Proyek SEA USAID oleh Misi USAID Indonesia. Proyek ini adalah inisiatif lima tahun yang memberikan dukungan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia untuk memperbaiki tata kelola sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan dan untuk melestarikan keanekaragaman hayati di tingkat lokal, kabupaten, provinsi, dan nasional. Proyek SEA USAID memfokusk…
This likely comes as no surprise. We live in an era when people everywhere are connected both to and through the invisible glue of the internet. Data— some private, some not—is constantly being handed back and forth between faraway servers and digital storage centers by our personal devices as we navigate everyday life
Kehadiran buku ini diharapkan mampu memberikan sajian informasi kekayaan sumberdaya hayati dan ulasan yang memadai atas upaya pengelolaan efektif kawasan konservasi perairan, pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil yang telah dilakukan serta dapat dipetik pembelajaran dalam rangka pengembangan pengelolaan efektif kawasan konservasi dimasa yang akan datang.