How did humans develop the ability to communicate? Are humans the only creatures on earth that communicate? What purpose does communication serve in our lives? Answers to these historical, anthropological, and social-scientific questions provide part of the diversity of knowledge that makes up the field of communication studies. As a student of communication, you will learn that there is much m…
We take pleasure in presenting the 2016 Supplement on recent developments in Admiralty and Maritime Law. Since the publication of this book in 2011, significant cases have been handed down and significant international developments have occurred. We have endeavored to include cases and developments up to July 1, 2016.
In international law, a classic example of the intersection between law and technology comes from the law of the sea. Prior to the modern 12 nautical mile limit of a state’s territorial sea, the so-called cannon shot rule put this distance at 3 nautical miles – the distance reflecting the technological capacity of cannons at the time.
The secure state of an operating system or service is the result of a layered security approach. Systems can be shielded from the outside world through firewalls, operating systems have to be kept up to date with the latest security patches, services have to be configured properly, separation of duties has to be implemented for end users, and so forth. Access controls are another layer that adm…
Promoting sustainable development opens up debates about our relationship with the natural world, about what constitutes social progress and about the character of development, both in the North and the South, in the present and into the future. This concise and accessible text explores the prospects for and barriers to the promotion of sustainable development in the high-consumption societ…
In the 21st century, the fate of the environment has become a critical issue in both developed and developing countries throughout the world. The environment is considered the surroundings in which an organism operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelation. Water pollution, poor air quality, global warming, acid rain, ozonosphere hole, …
This is the second iteration of The Hacker Playbook (THP). For those that read the first book, this is an extension of that book. Below is an overview of all of the new vulnerabilities and attacks that will be discussed. In addition to the new content, attacks and techniques from the first book, which are still relevant today, are included to eliminate the need to refer back to the first book. …
The hacker playbook 2: practical guide to penetration testing This book is not your typical information technology (IT) security book. Even though the authors of this book have technical backgrounds and have worked on such best-selling titles as Syngress’ Hack Proofing Your Network, this book integrates the technical aspects of vulnerability management into the management of your business. Al…
Mobile security is one of the hottest topics today. Android being the leading mobile operating system in the market, it has a huge user base, and lots of personal as well as business data is being stored on Android mobile devices. Mobile devices are now sources of entertainment, business, personal life, and new risks. Attacks targeting mobile devices and apps are on the rise. Android, being the…
Buku yang ditulis oleh Saudara Dr. Kadir, M.Pd., dengan judul “Statistika Terapan: Konsep, Contoh dan Analisis Data dengan Program SPSS/Lisrel dalam Penelitian,” ini akan menambah dan memperkaya referensi statistika yang bisa dimanfaatkan tidak hanya oleh kalangan mahasiswa pada jenjang S1, S2, dan S3, tetapi juga oleh peneliti dan masyarakat umum yang tertarik mempelajari statistika. …
This textbook provides study materials for the participants of the course named Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data that we teach at our university for the third year. Material provided here should serve both for the introductory and the advanced versions of the course. We admit that some parts of the text would profit from further polishing, they are quite rough but we hope in further…
Buku yang ditulis oleh Dr. Baskara T. Wardaya ini memperlihatkan momen penting dalam sejarah hubungan Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat (1953-1963) di era pemerintahan Soekarno. Digambarkan dalam buku ini pandangan para pimpinan pemerintahan AS dari Truman, Eisenhower, hingga Kennedy tentang berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi di Indonesia. Buku ini merupakan studi kasus yang penting mengenai pendekata…
Sejumlah buku sudah terbit dan mengungkapkan sejarah politik kontemporer Indonesia, khusus masa lahirnya reformasi yang ditandai dengan mundurnya Presiden Soeharto dari gelanggang politik di Indonesia. Buku-buku tersebut —beberapa di antaranya ditulis oleh pelaku sejarah— telah membantu kita menelaah sejarah perpolitikan di Indonesia, dalam sebuah kurun waktu tertentu. Tetapi, sejuju…
This book is written for a one-term introductory course in IT security. The primary audience is upper-division BS majors in Information Systems, Computer Science, or Computer Information Systems. This book is also intended for graduate students in Masters of Information Systems (MSIS), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Accountancy (MAcc), or other MS programs that are seeking a…
Dinamika berbangsa dan bernegara Indonesia selama satu dekade terakhir tampak mengalami banyak perubahan yang mendasar. Yang paling kasat mata adalah adanya peningkatan kebebasan berpendapat dan berpartisipasi dalam hampir semua aspek penting dari pengelo- laan negara. Sebagian orang menyebutnya sebagai fenomena penguatan proses demokrasi. Proses ini pula yang antara lain diyakini bisa m…
Sekurang-kurangnya hadir dua perkara yang me- ngemuka ketika ‘ngobrol mengenai dokumentasi dan pendokumentasian seni budaya dengan orang- orang pemerintahan, yaitu: perkara politic of claim dan politic of access. Ungkapan yang sering muncul berkaitan dengan politic of claim, misalnya: “Tradi- si A atau B penting segera didokumentasikan, nanti keburu diklaim Malaysia (atau negara lain…
Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts, disease outbreaks as well as conflicts are all crises that result in death as well as profound disruption to those left behind, and to those communities who shelter them. Among the most urgent interventions are those to provide water, sanitation and hygiene {WASH) to affected communities. Water; Sanitation and Hygiene in Humanitarian Contexts presents …