As this monograph demonstrates, “admiralty and maritime law” covers a broad range of subjects. This field of law has its own rules relating to jurisdiction and procedure. Classically, maritime law was a species of commercial law, and in many countries it is still treated as such.
Law enforcement officials must be highly skilled in the use of investigative tools and knowledgeable of the intricacies of the law. One error in judgment during initial contact with a suspect can, and often does, impede the investigation. For example, an illegal search or unauthorized questioning may so contaminate the evidence obtained that it will not be admitted into evidence in court. Such …
What was once a fringe currency only used by a dark corner of the web… is now the fastest growing financial asset on Earth. And this is just the beginning… You see, we are still in just the 3nd inning of Crypto as a financial entity. So while no financial vehicle is making people rich as quickly as Cryptocurrency… Less than 8% of Americans and 3% of the worldwide population owns …
A political community not founded on violence has probably never existed. In the beginning was violence and then appeared the word that ensured the order emerged from the original breach.
Buku klasik ini dianotasi untuk memperbarui kebijaksanaan Graham yang tak lekang oleh waktu untuk kondisi pasar saat ini. Penasihat investasi terbesar abad kedua puluh, Benjamin Graham, mengajar dan menginspirasi orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Filosofi Graham tentang "investasi nilai" yang telah berhasil melindungi investor dari kesalahan substansial dan mengajarkan mereka bagaimana caranya untu…
THIS series of essays will explore some of the philo- sophical roots and branches of public finance. We begin where analyses of taxation usually begin—that is, with a search for some principle, or rule, or scale of values that will serve as a touchstone to judge proposed patterns for the distribution of taxes. We shall find that an individu- al's philosophy of equality and inequality mu…
In a place at La Mancha El Quijote decided to go out as a knight-errant in search of adventure. In one of his escapades El Quijote met Master Pedro and his divining past-things ape. Master Pedro was a famous puppet-showman, exhibiting a show of the release of Melisendra and thus, for the very first time in our history, he linked marketing and technology. The Master Pedro’s show was mainly …
Nearly a century after Joseph Schumpeter’s classic essay on ‘The Crisis of the Tax State’ and almost twenty-five years after Douglass C. North and Barry Weingast’s seminal ‘Constitutions and Commitment’ article which set out what is now known as the ‘credible commitment’ thesis, historians and economists alike remain divided over the extent to which the ‘Glorious Revoluti…
Impact investing is a dynamic field that has been recently been discussed as a supplemental funding source for addressing societal problems. The topic has generated significant interest and is presumed to achieve significant growth rates for the coming years. This book provides a refreshed yet comprehensive overview about the market, financial instruments and the associated impact assessment. S…
Buku yang berjudul Ilmu Komunikasi ini hadir sebagai bagian dari upaya untuk menambah khazanah, diskusi Ilmu Komunikasi. Akan tetapi pada akhirnya kami mengakui bahwa tulisan ini terdapat beberapa kekurangan dan jauh dari kata sempurna, karena sejatinya kesempurnaan hanyalah milik tuhan semata. Maka dari itu, kami dengan senang hati secara terbuka untuk menerima berbagai kritik dan saran d…
This report releases findings of a study on the taxation of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) carried out jointly by Working Party No. 2 on Tax Policy Analysis and Tax Statistics of the OECD Committee on Fiscal Affairs, and the Working Party on SMEs and Entrepreneurship of the OECD Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Aside from interest in revisiting an important …
This book examines existing mineral fiscal policies covering income taxation, royalties, free carried and participative (community and government) interests and also highlights the impacts of these policies on the feasibility of mineral projects as well as on revenue and other benefits to the State. While publications already exist on the subject matter, they have invariably approached the topi…
To make close contact with current macroeconomic events. What makes macroeconomics exciting is the light it sheds on what is happening around the world, from the major economic crisis which has engulfed the world since 2008, to monetary policy in the United States, to the problems of the Euro area, to growth in China. These events—and many more—are described in the book, not in footno…
The purpose of this publication is to provide ready-to-use case studies to accom- pany current academic textbooks and field training materials used by students and professionals studying, teaching, and working in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Through 50 case studies, learners are provided opportunities to apply ABA principles, processes, and practices to a range of scenari…
This volume is the outcome of a conference held at New York Universi- ty’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) on September 30 and October 1, 2016. The conference was entitled “The Mechanics of Extraction: Comparing Principles of Taxation and Tax Compli- ance in the Ancient World.” It was made possible by the generous support of ISAW, the NYU Center for Humaniti…
How states develop the capacity to tax is a question of fundamental importance to political science, legal theory, economics, sociology, and history. Increasingly, scholars believe that China's relative economic decline in the 18th and 19th centuries was related to its weak fiscal institutions and limited revenue. This book argues that this fiscal weakness was fundamentally ideological in natur…
Members of the Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation organized this book through their annual meetings and a discussion group on community-based fisheries management. Discussion group members asked knowledgeable co-authors to assist with the development of their chapters, and other authors and chapters were invited to participate based on measures of management progress reported in the lar…
We review the theories on how liquidity affects the required returns of capital assets and the empirical studies that test these theories. The theory predicts that both the level of liquidity and liquidity risk are priced, and empirical studies find the effects of liquidity on asset prices to be statistically significant and economically important, controlling for traditional risk measures and …
Fundamental Analysis For Dummies is a valuable guide for investors who want to know the future. Okay, it’s not a crystal ball, but fundamental analysis will help you gain insight into a company’s staying power, as you evaluate revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities, competitors, management, interest rates, and other key business details. This Dummies resource makes it easy to get a handle o…
The global trading system is undergoing a period of transition. Shifting economic circumstances, major advances in technology and the emergence of new players on the global scene all underscore that we are on the cusp of big changes. Persistent imbalances, driven largely by macro-economic factors, con- tinue to be a cause of concern in some major economies. Even in such a climate of un…
This book will give the reader insight into how to model yield curves in our incomplete and imperfect financial markets. An extensive list of yield curve models are shown and discussed. Using actual market instruments, these models are then applied and the different yield curves are compared. It is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of the financial instruments available in the m…
The chapters in this book have been brought to publication with the help of an editorial review board dedicated to peer review. The members of the board are committed to the field of environmental taxation and are active participants in environmental taxation events around the world
This book discusses how taxation can contribute to a sustainable economic development. It analyses the role and functions of taxes and tax audits with special focus on sustainable development, considering not only the fiscal functions of taxes but also their economic, social, and environmental effects.
The purpose of this book is to supply, in a form suitable for laymen, guidance in the adoption and execution of an investment policy. Comparatively little will be said here about the technique of analyzing securities; attention will be paid chiefly to investment principles and investors' attitudes. We shall, however, provide a number of condensed comparisons of specific securities--
A Behavioral Approach to Asset Pricing Theory examines the reigning assumptions of asset pricing theory and reconstructs them to incorporate findings from behavioral finance. It constructs a solid, intact structure that challenges classic assumptions and at the same time provides a strong theory and efficient empirical tools
The first edition of the Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy was co-edited by Nancy Snow and Philip M. Taylor to provide a comprehensive overview of public diplomacy and national image and perception management. They acknowledged that their survey of public diplomacy reflected the dominance of American and British research findings and developments in the field, but efforts were made to …
Buku berjudul Komunikasi Politik: Pesan, Kepemimpinan dan Khalayak bersumber dari disertasi Bidang Kajian Utama Ilmu Komunikasi, Program Doktor Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung, berjudul “Kredibilitas Opinion Leader Pedesaan (Studi tentang Perubahan Peran Pemuka Pendapat di Desa-Desa Lokasi Industri)”. Disertasi dipertahankan dalam ujian terbuka pada bulan Januari 2004.
The world of money, banking, and financial markets is constantly evolving. Every year, people explore new ways to pay for purchases, save for the future, and borrow to meet current needs. New technology is an ongoing source of change. Internet banking makes it easier than ever for individuals to take control of their finances. And smartphones not only allow American college students to pay…