Optimization is a subject that is widely and increasingly used in science, engineering, economics, management, industry, and other areas. It deals with selecting the best of many possible decisions in real-life environment, constructing computational methods to find optimal solutions, exploring the theoretical properties, and studying the computational performance of numerical algorithms implem…
Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park (PGSP) memiliki Visi sebagai center of excellent for geospatial information technology, education, research and innovation di bidang kepesisiran dan kelautan di Indonesia. Berbagai misi telah disusun sebagai jembatan mewujudkan visi PGSP. Terkait dengan Visi tersebut, PGSP melakukan penyusunan buku untuk mendukung eksistensi, pengembangan, dan wujud dedikas…
C# programmers: no more translating data structures from C++ or Java to use in your programs! Mike McMillan provides a tutorial on how to use data structures and algorithms plus the first comprehensive reference for C# implementation of data structures and algorithms found in the .NET Framework library, as well as those developed by the programmer. The approach is very practical, using timing t…
With four English editions, and translations into four other languages forthcoming. This edition added some classical material that may have been missed so far, in particular on linear programming, the network simplex algorithm, and the max-cut problem. This edition also added a number of new exercises and up-to-date references.
This book provides a clear and concise explanation of withholding tax and how to leverage best practice to generate improved investment performance. It gives practical guidance to financial service firms and investors to help them understand the issues involved, trends and practicalities of maximizing returns on investment.
Microbiology is an exceptionally broad discipline encompassing specialties as diverse as biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, taxonomy, pathogenic bacteriology, food and industrial microbiology, and ecology. A microbiologist must be acquainted with many biological disciplines and with all major groups of microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa. The key is balance. Studen…
Secara terminologi, Biologi berasal dari dua kata yaitu bios yang artinya makhluk hidup dan logos artinya ilmu (Reece et al., 2011), sehingga biologi dapat diartikan sebagai ilmu yang mempelajari tentang makhluk hidup. Aspek kajian dalam biologi sangatlah luas, mencakup semua makhluk hidup baik yang berada di darat, air maupun udara. Jika dilihat dari segi ukuran, semua organisme baik yang…
Indonesia memiliki wilayah laut dan pesisir terpanjang, dengan sumber daya hayati (biodiversity) yang cukup tinggi, serta bahan tambang dan mineral. Kawasan pesisir Indonesia, sekarang dan mendatang menjadi pusat pertumbuhan baru serta tumpuan harapan bagi keberlanjutan pembangunan. Konsentrasi penduduk dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya alam telah bergeser dari wilayah daratan ke wilayah pesis…
Buku ini membahas tentang budidaya ikan pada keramba jaring apung di danau dan waduk, kolam dan tanki dengan sistem resirkulasi. Pemuatan beban limbah karbon, nitrogen dan fosfor berbasis karakteristik pakan dan spesies ikan. Komponen limbah dari operasional akuakultur seperti pakan ikan, bahan kimia, pathogens dan jenis limbah. Diakhir tulisan ini kami membahas tentang dampak limbah akuakultur…
Statistical methods are a key part of data science. yet few data scientists have formal statistical training. Courses and books on basic statistics rarely cover the topic from a data science perspective. The second edition of this popular guide adds comprehensive examples in Python. provides practical guidance on applying statistical methods to data science. tells you how to avoid their misuse.…
Penulisan Buku Ajar BIOLOGI LAUT edisi ini, pada BAB 1 PENDAHULUAN menjelaskan tentang lingkungan laut. BAB 2 MEMBAHAS TENTANG PLANKTON. BAB 3 MEMBAHAS TENTANG RUMPUT LAUT. BAB 4 MEMBAHAS TENTANG EKOSISTEM KARANG. BAB 5 MEMBAHAS TENTANG BIOGRAFI BIOTA LAUT. BAB 6 MEMBAHAS TENTANG MANGROVE. Materi buku ajar ini, berasal dari laporan praktik mata kuliah, hasil penelitian lapang, serta telaah pustaka
As the title indicates, this volume was inspired by the classic text on "Bioenergetics and Growth" of domestic animals written by Samuel Brody in 1945. Fisheries science has lacked a comparable, comprehensive text dealing with physiological and biochemical processes concerning the acquisition and utilization of food for energy and growth. Despite the fact that an immense volume of literature …
Buku ini menjabarkan usaha minimal yang harus dilakukan siswa untuk mencapai kompetensi yang diharuskan. Sesuai dengan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kurikulum 2013, siswa diberanikan untuk mencari dari sumber belajar lain yang tersedia dan terbentang luas di sekitarnya. Peran guru sangat penting untuk meningkatkan dan menyesuaikan daya serp siswa dengan ketersediaan kegiatan buku ini. Gu…
Over 200 fish species have been examined as potential targets for fish pro- duction to utilize the special advantages of an animal capable of growing efficiently in a wide variety of temperatures and ionic-strength waters. Uni- versities, research centers, and various government agencies have adopted fish as an important agricultural animal, with a resultant plethora of publica- tions …
The world of mathematics can be divided roughly into two realms: the con- tinuous and the discrete. The difference is illustrated nicely by wristwatches. Continuous mathematics corresponds to analog watches-the kind with separate hour, minute, and second hands. The hands move smoothly over time. From an ana- log watch perspective, between 12:02 P.M. and 12:03 P.M. there are infinitely m…
Buku yang membahas tentang perikanan
Discrete mathematics is the basis of much of computer science, from algorithms and automata theory to combinatorics and graph theory. This textbook covers the discrete mathematics that every computer science student needs to learn. Guiding students quickly through thirty-one short chapters that discuss one major topic each, this flexible book can be tailored to fit the syllabi for a variety of …
Computer science undergraduates traditionally are required to take either a course in probability, typically taught by the math department, or a course in statistics, typically taught by the statistics department. A curriculum committee in my department decided that the curricula of these courses could do with some revision. So I taught a trial version of a course, for which I wrote notes; t…
Buku KIMIA LINGKUNGAN yang kecil dan sederhana ini berisikan tentang kajian ringkas, pertanyaan-pertanyan penuntun belajar, dan kegiatan laboratoris maupun kegiatan lapangan, seputar aspek kimiawi udara, air dan tanah. Buku ini ditujukan sebagai pemantik bagi peserta didik untuk mempelajari kimia lingkungan lebih luas dan mendalam, sehingga peserta didik mampu menyadari pentingnya pelestarian l…
Ecology has the distinction of being peculiarly confronted with uniqueness: millions of different species, countless billions of genetically distinct individuals, all living and interacting in a varied and ever-changing world.
Buku ini dipenuhi dengan matematika bermutu yang disajikan secara gamblang, tidak berbelit-berbelit.
Statistics is strongly tied to applications in different scientific disciplines, and the most challenging statistical problems arise from problems in the sciences. In fact, the most innovative statistical research flows from the needs of applications in diverse settings. This volume is a testimony to the crucial role that statistics plays in scientific disciplines such as genetics and environm…
This book addresses the development of the chemistry of environmental systems as it has changed over the past 50 years. Chemistry of Environmental Systems evolved from a senior-level undergraduate/lower-level graduate course in Environmental Chemistry taught by one of the authors (JSG) at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. This course used two textbooks as resources: Chemistry of the Up…
Think about our world and its wild things: a marsh splashed and flecked with the colors of flowers and dragonflies, the rhythmic roar and swoosh of waves punctuated by the strident calls of gulls, a dark forest pungent with the odors of unseen life teeming below a carpet of leaves and mosses. Imagine a future world utterly dominated by concrete and regimented rows of crops a monotonous, ugly, a…
Development of the Handbook on Population and Environment was supported by center Grant #P2C HD06613 awarded to the University of Colorado Population Center (CUPC) by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of NIH or CUPC.