Manajemen sumber daya manusia strategik berbicara mengenai integrasi dan adaptasi yang konsentrasinya untuk memastikan bahwa sumber daya manusia sepenuhnya terintegrasi dengan strategi dan kebutuhan strategik perusahaan; kebijakan sumber daya manusia melekat, baik melampaui area kebijakan maupun hierarki; serta praktik sumber daya manusia telah disesuaikan diterima, dan digunakan oleh manajer l…
Customer relationship management (CRM) as a strategy and as a technology has gone through an amazing evolutionary journey. After the initial technological approaches, this process has matured con- siderably – both from a conceptual and from an applications point of view. Of course this evolution continues, especially in the light of the digital transformation. Today, CRM refers to a strategy…
The world of marketing is changing every day ― and in order for students tohave a competitive edge, they need a text that reflects the best and mostrecent marketing theory and practices. Marketing Management collectivelyuses a managerial orientation, an analytical approach, a multidisciplinaryperspective, universal applications, and balanced coverage to distinguish itfrom all other marketing …
Asian consumers are evolving, and marketing is evolving with them. As businesses connect and engage with their customers in new ways and through a variety of channels, the scope of marketing is expanding to encompass the entire organization, from the firm’s vision and planning to its customers’ needs and strategic partnerships. The seventh edition of Marketing Management: An Asian Persp…
Setiap bab (langkah) buku ini menyebutkan rahasia menghasilkan uang yang telah menghasilkan kekayaan bagi lebih dari lima ratus orang kaya yang telah saya analisis dengan seksama selama beberapa tahun.Kesuksesan tampaknya datang dengan mudah bagi sebagian orang. Mereka tinggal di rumah mewah, mengirim anak-anak mereka ke sekolah terbaik,mengendarai mobil mewah, bepergian ke seluruh dunia, dan m…
Marketing's purpose always is to enhance people's lives and contribute to the Common Good. —Philip Kotler To all Asians, especially my Asia Marketing Federation brothers and sisters. We at MarkPlus, Inc. are very proud to collaborate with Philip Kotler as a knowledge lab for many books since 1998, including the Marketing X.0 series. —Hermawan Kartajaya Dedicated to the loving memory…
On the face of it, econometrics and machine learning share a common goal: to build a predictive model, for a variable of interest, using explanatory variables (or features). However, the two fields have developed in parallel, thus creating two different cultures. Econometrics set out to build probabilistic models designed to describe economic phenomena, while machine learning uses algorithms ca…
Essentials of Federal Income Taxation for Individuals and Business, 2015 Edition, covers the taxation of individuals for the 2014 tax year. It provides complete coverage in an easy-to-read and easy- to-understand format for your first course in taxation. This practical text helps you understand the tax laws and improve the reporting quality of your tax returns. The coverage does not assu…
Mergers & Acquisitions For Dummies provides useful techniques and real-world advice for anyone involved with – or thinking of becoming involved with – transactional work. Whether you are a transactions pro, a service provider tangentially involved in transactions, or a student thinking of becoming an investment banker, this book will provide the insights and knowledge that will help you bec…
eMarketing: the essential guide to digital marketing is a one-stop resource to kick start your online marketing career, or to give it a much needed boost. Featuring the tools and tactics essential to search engine optimisation, video optimisation, media planning, pay per click advertising, social media, mobile marketing, conversion optimisation, online reputation management and more! eMarke…
Digital Marketing atau bisa disebut pemasaran digital adalah suatu usaha atau metode untuk memasarkan sebuah merek atau produk dengan menggunakan media pendukung dalam bentuk digital. Metode ini mampu menjangkau konsumen baik secara pribadi, relevan dan tepat sasaran sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau keinginan konsumen. Buku ini hadir kehadapan para pembaca merupakan sumbangan pemikiran penuli…
Buku ini diharapkan dapat membantu pembaca memahami teori Digital Marketing, sehingga mereka dapat mengaplikasikan ilmunya. Semoga buku ini dapat memberikan sumbangsih bagi kepustakaan di Indonesia dan bermanfaat bagi kita semua
Buku ini membahas tentang seluk beluk pasar modal dan analisis investasi saham serta manajemen investasi portofolio. Buku ini sangat penting bagi mahasiswa maupun bagi praktisi pasar modal dalam rangka untuk membuat keputusan berinvestasi portofolio di Pasar Modal Indonesia maupun di pasar modal negara-negara lain. Selain membahas tentang pasar modal, buku ini juga membahas tentang manajemen in…
Buku ini snagat penting untuk dimiliki dan dipelajari oleh para pelaku bisnis, pengelola bisnis, serta akademisi lainnya yang memiliki kompetensi dalam manajemen pemasaran.
Buku ini dibuat untuk membantu proses pengajaran manajemen bisnis serta sebagai buku pegangan bagi mahasiswa.
Pembahasan dalam buku keuangan akuntansi syariah ini meliputi dasar hukum menurut DSN MUI, sejarah munculnya akad syariah menurut pandangan ulama, konsep akuntansi akuntansi syariah berdasakan PSAK syariah dan contoh kasus aplikatif yang sering terjadi di lingkungan masyarakat indonesia.
Information Technology for Management discusses a variety of business strategies and explains how they rely on data, digital technology, and mobile devices to support them in the on demand economy. Our goal is to provide students from any business discipline with a strong foundation for understanding the critical role that digital technology plays in enhancing business sustainability, profitabi…
Buku ini ditulis dengan judul Akuntansi Forensik dan Audit Invenstigatif berisi mengenai konsep, pendekatan, metode serta teknik penelitian baik audit investigatif, yang dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh kasus yang terjadi di Indonesia. Buku ini disusun dengan tujuan agar bisa digunakan menjadi salah satu referensi dalam mata kuliah Akuntansi Forensik dan Audit Investigatif, baik sebagai referens…
This book is intended for use in a one-semester course in accounting information systems at either the undergraduate or graduate level. Introductory financial and managerial accounting courses are suggested prerequisites, and an introductory information systems course that covers a computer language or software package is helpful, but not necessary. The book can also be used as the main text in…
The purpose of this textbook/workbook is to connect budgetary theory with practice and provide public budget and finance students with basic budgeting and financial management tools. From the perspective of a bureaucrat, students examine various concepts and then work through in-class and out-ofclass exercises and problems to reinforce those concepts and ideas. Chapter 1 begins with an overvie…