Suara yang kukenal plus gedoran khas pintunya. Tidak terlalu keras untuk dilayangkan sendai jepit, tapi tidak terlalu lembut untuk diabaikan. Selalu dibubuhi 'ass. wr. wb.' seperti di awal surat atau pidato—demi sopan santun—bahkan pada pintu kamar mandi sekalipun. Tapi teriakannya menghubungkanmu dengan memori kolektif ketika manusia harus saling menghardik untuk dimengerti, yang mun…
Dalam diam ada rasa yang tidak diam diam-diam begini aku seperti ini topeng dalam wajah yang beraneka rupa untuk sekedar melihatnya saja harus menjadi aku yang lainnya Dia adalah rahasia terhebat sepanjang masa rahasia kesederhanaan hati meminta do'a mengikat rindu padanya dan Allah membuka keyakinan untuk memilihnya Diam-diam aku menginginkannya biarkan hati merahasiakan ini semu…
Fashion’s duality makes it a fascinating object of study. It is an aesthetic and artistic form, infected by centuries of tradition and craftsmanship in cultures around the world while being defned by regular aesthetic change. Fashion is also a globalised industrial system of manufactured commodities that relies in large part on its media to ascribe meaning to its relentless churn of produ…
Dale Carnegie began teaching his first public speaking course in 1912 for the YMCA at 125th Street in New York City. In those days, public speaking was regarded as an art, rather than as a skill, and its teaching aims were directed toward producing orators and platform giants of the silver-tongued variety. The average business or professional man who merely wanted to express himself with more e…
When people are asked what their greatest fear is, the most frequent response is dying and the second most frequent is speaking in public. True, many people, who are intelligent, articulate, and at ease in expressing their ideas on a one-to-one basis, become tongue-tied and terrified when faced with even a small audience. Businesspeople have been stymied in their careers because they fear speak…
Albert Camus seperti punya sihir tersendiri bagi para penulis Indonesia. Agak aneh, memang. Dia tak pemah mengutarakan problem yang layaknya jadi persoalan orang banyak di sini. Dia bukan seorang pemikir clan sastrawan yang setiap hari berpapasan dengan gelora clan keterpojokan manusia Dunia Ketiga, kecuali persen- tuhannya yang malang dengan situasi kolonial Aljazair.
In preparing this edition, I have retained what readers have identified as the main strengths of the book. The Art of Public Speaking is informed by classical and contemporary theories of rhetoric, but it does not present theory for its own sake. Keeping a steady eye on the practical skills of public speaking, it offers full coverage of all major aspects of speech preparation and presenta…
In a book about the dawn chorus, about songbirds and birdsong, the Peregrine Falcon might not be the obvious place to start, but bear with me. For one thing, you don’t have to ponder for long the question ‘What is a songbird?’ or ‘What combines to make the dawn chorus?’ to realise that these are broader concepts than they may have appeared at first glance. All birds are songbirds. Eit…
Tanpa terasa, banyak sudah rangkai kata yang tersusun menjadi pantun, kendati mungkin tidak atau kurang sepenuhnya memenuhi kaidahnya menggubah pantung, yang terdiri dari cangkang dan isi, sehingga boleh jadi terbolak-balik mana yang cangkang mana yang isi. Tapi prinsipnya, baik cangkang maupun isi, sama-sama menyiratkan makna, karena memang, hadirnya sebuah kata, menyertakan makna, karena kata…
Fiksi berbahasa inggris