Nutrition fish health
Nutrition and Fish Health is a compilation of infor mation by experts in the field of aquatic an imal health and aquatic an imal nu trition. This is the first such effort that relates the im por tance of nu tri tional wellbeing to the health of aquatic an imals and their susceptibility to infectious diseases, and the abil ity of their immune systems to re sist or control diseases. This volume will be useful to students and serve as a reference for aquaculturists. Each chap ter per tains to a spe cific dis ease or nu trition topic, including an over view of warm-water fish dis eases, salmonid dis eases, viral diseases of penaeid shrimp, and nutritional as pects of marine and bait fish. I would recommend this book to students and researchers in the aquaticanimal health and aquatic an imal nutrition fields. I sa lute the ed itors, Drs. Chhorn Lim and Carl Webster, for this excellent ef fort
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