Perspectives on sociological theories, methodological debates and organizational sociology
This book is divided into four chapters. The first chapter, “The Major Theorists of Sociology, Theories, and Contemporary Development of Organizational Perspectives in Social Sciences,” is designed to answer several questions. What are the major sociological theories? Who are the theorists? What are the contributions of the theorists? And how a theory can be applied to understand society? In addition, this chapter also answers the following questions: what is the development trend of sociological theory development? What is the current situation? And where does organizational sociology stand in the sociological study? This chapter primarily enlists the contribution of the founding writers of western sociology, with a focus on how they addressed (or did not address) organizations. Then, it discusses, in brief, the development of organizational theory and how organizational theorists are responding to the emergence of challenges to the traditional rational approaches to understanding organizations in the historical context. Furthermore, this chapter elaborates on the role of the western sociological theorist – in other words, the founding writers of western sociology such as Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber.
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