Pertambahan penduduk di kota meupun desa memberi dampak pada kenaikan volume limbah sehingga menimbulkan permasalahan sanitasi bila tidak diimbangi dengan oengelolaan lingkungan yang memadai.
Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts, disease outbreaks as well as conflicts are all crises that result in death as well as profound disruption to those left behind, and to those communities who shelter them. Among the most urgent interventions are those to provide water, sanitation and hygiene {WASH) to affected communities. Water; Sanitation and Hygiene in Humanitarian Contexts presents …
Biotransformation of Agricultural Waste and By-Products in the 4F Economy: The Food, Feed, Fiber, Fuel (4F) Economy presents an evaluation of plant species better exploitable for a particular transformation. As crops are already covering large parts of cultivable soils, is it is not conceivable to try to extend the cultures beyond the limit of available soils, but a further increase in producti…