Stok adalah suatu kelompok organisme dari suatu spesies yang mempunyai karakteristik (parameter stok) yang sama dan menempati suatu daerah geografis tertentu. Stok ikan lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) Selat Bali diidentifikasi ada dua kohor, memiliki ukuran panjang pertama kali tertangkap (Lc = 14,3 cm) dan matang gonad (Lm = 17,3 cm) menunjukkan bahwa alat tangkap yang beroperasi saat ini (purse se…
The encyclopedia looks at all forms of life, from nematodes to human beings, in 313 signed articles. The set covers a wide range of scientific and social science issues, making it a useful resource for learning about purely scientific concepts as well as issues concerning human effects on the environment. Academic and larger public libraries will find this work invaluable for answering question…
After thousands of years of evolution, humankind has achieved a stage of civilization where many people take it for granted to enjoy strawberries in the wintertime, drink water from the other side of the globe, and fly around the world (if effective vaccinations against threatening viruses are available). Unfortunately, this quality of life is often achieved at the expense of others suffering …
This book introduces aquaculture ecology as a science of the interaction between commercial aquatic organisms as well as their farming activities and the environment, including the rationales of building and management of aquaculture systems. This book covers productivity and carrying capacity, effects of cyclical fluctuation of environmental factors on aquatic organisms, biological control of …
This manual consists of several chapters that deal with the techniques involved in the study of aquatic pathogens that cause infections, especially in fish. It covers a wide range of basic and advanced techniques associated with research on the isolation and identification of bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens, and probiotic bacteria. In addition, it addresses the treatment of pathogens usi…
Buku ini membahas tentang budidaya ikan pada keramba jaring apung di danau dan waduk, kolam dan tanki dengan sistem resirkulasi. Pemuatan beban limbah karbon, nitrogen dan fosfor berbasis karakteristik pakan dan spesies ikan. Komponen limbah dari operasional akuakultur seperti pakan ikan, bahan kimia, pathogens dan jenis limbah. Diakhir tulisan ini kami membahas tentang dampak limbah akuakultur…
Buku ini mempermudah mahasiswa dalam mempelajari materi penanganan hasil perikanan serta untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam pengetahuannya mengenai teknologi penanganan terhadap hasil-hasil perikanan sejak penangkapan di atas kapal atau panen dari tambak hingga penanganan pada saat mengkonsumsinya.
Materi praktikum ini diharapkan dapat memberikan bekal keterampilan dalam teknik dasar laboratoris yang digunakan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi.