modul ini di susun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan literatur matakuliah pendidikan agama islam. penyajian materi dan sistematika penyusunannya disesuaikan dengan garis-garis besar program pegajaran (GBPP)
Th e term “network” can mean all sorts of things, but I use it here to describe three levels of connections, all insecure. Th ere are the social connec- tions made explicit by social technologies; the behavioral networks mapped and traced through consumer-level tracking and aggregation of big data; and perhaps most powerful and invisible, the deeply rooted and interconnected networ…
The purpose of Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations is to publish high quality volumes that refect original research pursued at the juncture of philosophy and politics. Over the past 20 years new important areas of inquiry at the crossroads of philosophy and politics have undergone impressive developments or have emerged anew. Among these, new approaches to human rights, transitional…
Ulasan panjang lebar tentang sejarah agama dan sejarah dunia, menggambarkan evolusi awal seluruh agama dunia … Armstrong mengkritik sekularisme otoritarian dengan bersemangat … [dan] menjelaskan dengan sangat baik mengapa orang-orang yang sangat terbenam dalam kepercayaan dan sistem sosial tradisional merasa terancam dan cenderung untuk balik melawan
Islamic finance might seem like an odd place to look for ideas for a new global financial system, but, as we shall see, many of its key elements are based on sound economic principles. Global leaders may not know they are adopting Islamic financial principles when designing the new system, because they will be looking to build a system that will help protect us from the ills of the current…
This is a study of the group of criminal offences of tax evasion. Only a small proportion of instances of these crimes that come to the attention of the authorities are prosecuted. The book considers tax evasion against the background of growing concerns, arising from the financial crisis of 2007– 8, about financial crime. These concerns have generated demands for more, more vigorous, an…
Fostering the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is rightly a cross-cutting priority of the Turkish G20 Presidency. SMEs are the economic backbone of many of our economies and they serve as key engines for job creation. This study, Taxation of SMEs in OECD and G20 Countries, examines the influence of tax systems on a range of challenges faced by SMEs, including decisio…
This is an outstanding book that will greatly enhance discussions on globalization, denationalization and deterritorialization in the field of International Relations (IR) and beyond. Stephen Haigh provides an excellent and innovative analysis of sovereignty, statehood and cosmopolitanism that will be of interest both to philosophically-trained IR scholars and students. There is no doubt i…
This book Muhammad Ayub introduces all the essential elements of this growing market by providing an in-depth background to the subject and clear descriptions of all the major products and process associated with islamic finance. Key features include: discussion of the principles of islamic finance; introduction to the key product and procedures that international financial institutions are usi…
It’s been proven time and time again that people with a positive outlook are happier and more successful, and have greater career satisfaction and a better self-image. The reason for this is simple: Your attitude has incredible power to shape your life. Negative thinkers see negativity, think negative thoughts, and develop negative habits. Not surprisingly, they feel worse about themselves, e…
Dalam buku ini, dibahas secara mendetail tentang apa dan bagaimana hakikat serta kebenaran mimpi berjumpa Rasulullah Saw., bagaimana agar kita bisa bermimpi berjumpa dengan beliau, dan beragam faktor penentu lainnya untuk memperoleh hikmah dahsyat secara ruhani dari penjumpaan maya tersebut.
Buku ini tepat untuk dijadikan pedoman bagi msulimin dan muslimat melaksanakan shalat secara sempurna, sesuai dengan kitabullah dan sunnah Rasulallah SAW, jauh dari perbuatan bid'ah dholalah (sesat) dan taqlid buta.
Buku ini berisi kajian tentang asal-usul istilah shalat, sejarah disyaratkannya shalat lima waktu, bilangan rakaat, sejarah shalat jumat, shalat jumat, shalat jamaah, dan shalat-shalat lainnya.
Buku ini memaparkan tentang macam-macam shalawat dan kegunaannya, etika bershalawat, keutamaan-keutamaan shalawat, serta fakta dan kisah-kisah nyata tentang kekuatan dan dahsyatnya keajaiban shalawat.
Buku ini mengajak agar pola hidup kita seluruhnya tertata di atas sunnah Nabi dari pagi hingga malam. Juga agar kita menemukan kembali sunnah-sunnah yang 'hilang' atau terabaikan dalam kehidupoan harian kita.
buku ini memaparkan mutiara-mutiara hikmah dari orang bijak.
Kisah-kisah di dalam buku ini antara lain: - Kisah Nabi Muhammad dan seorang Yahudi buta - Pemuda beraroma kasturi - Ia masuk surga, padahal tak pernah Shalat - Mati berselimutkan jubah Nabi - Perempuan yang berbicara dengan ayat Al-Qur'an - Berkah kalung Fatimah - Tobat sang Pleacur cantik - Mencari tetangga di Surga - Pesona Janda buruk rupa - Surat untuk Ahli Ibadah yang terlena
panduan zikir dan doa bersama
Buku ini adalah panduan praktis yang mengedepankan hukum-hukum muamalat dalam syariat Islam untuk urusan sehari-hari.