Glosari ini memuat semua definisi dari istilah kunci yang dikemukakan dalam seluruh FAO Technical Guildelines for Responsible Fisheries dan dokumen petunjuk/kode lainnya.
Ekonomi biru merupakan konsep yang harus diimplementasikan dalam pembangunan di Indonesia karena indonesia memiliki sumberdaya alam dan sumberdaya manusia di bidang kelautan dan maritim yang sangat besar.
Buku ini adalah buku yang ketiga hasil kerjasama Pustaka Cidesindo dengan Dr.Victor PH Nikijuluw.
Traditionally, behaviour and physiology have been considered two separate fields of biology with the majority of available literature focusing on one or the other. Recently the need for a multidisciplinary approach to these topics has been realised, highlighted by some of the sessions to be held at the 2003 annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology such as ‘regulat…
This book is written in textbook format and presents an overview of different aspects of fish genetics in an understandable and systematic style. The materials of the book are divided into seven chapters. The first chapter reviews data on variability and evolution of fish chromosomes, meiosis and development of eggs and spermatozoa, and fertilization. The second chapter covers materials on Mend…
Global trends in policy and technology related fields are rapidly reshaping the port industry worldwide. International in scope, this volume provides multidisciplinary insights into the role port cities adopt in dealing with global supply chains. Throughout the book, concepts of strategic management, supply chain management, port and transport economics and economic and transport geography are …
Buku ini terdiri dari 7 Bab yaitu, pengantar hukum perikanan, perikanan harus diatur, sektor kelautan danperikanan Indonesia, hukum internasional, hukum nasional, peraturan daerah dan hukum adat. Inti dari buku ini adalah membahas tentang perkembangan hukum perikanan baik hukum perikanan nasional maupun internasional sehingga diharapkan dapat mengembangkan kemajuan sumber daya alam hayati terut…
Buku ini membahas, mendiskusikan dan melakukan simulasi tahapan persiapan, perumusan, analisis situasi, formulasi hingga evaluasi strategi bisnis perikanan, dan juga aplikasi portofolio strategi dan pendekatan pengambilan keputusan kriteria jamak dalam formulasi kebijakan perikanan. Buku ini diawali dengan membahas pengertian strategi bisnis, landasan dan fungsi strategi bisnis hingga karakter …
Konsep bioekonomi perikanan dalam pengelolaan sumber daya perikanan muncul karena rasa khawatir timbulnya the tragedy of the common atau tragedi kebersamaan pada sumber daya perikanan. Tingkat pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan berdasarkan KEPMEN KKP Tahun 2016 pada tingkat over exploited sebesar 49,49%, Full exploited sebesar 37,37%, dan Moderate sebesar 13,13%. Buku ini memberikan informasi mengena…
The pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus, 1758), or northern pike as it is called in most of North America, is an iconic fish species that has fascinated mankind throughout history. Its large size and characteristic appearance have likely contributed to various tall stories, some of which are beautifully saved in Izaak Walton’s “The Compleat Angler or the Contemplative man’s Recreation” from 1653…
Fisheries supply a critically important ecosystem service—providing high quality food resources to a burgeoning human population. Fishery products are among the most widely traded commodities in global markets. Fish and shellfish provide 3.1 billion people with nearly 20 per cent of their annual consumption of animal protein (FAO 2018). Perhaps more significantly, food derived from aquatic so…