Buku ini mengupas tuntas overloading dan fungsi teman yang mengaplikasikan keduanya dalam kelas vektor. Terdapat juga pembahasan yang cukup detail tentang konstruktor dan destruktor yang diterapkan pada kelas antrian. Pewarisan kelas secara publik, privat, maupun secara terproteksi dianalisis secara kritis dengan mengemukakan perbedaan ketiganya. Pendaurulangan kode lewat pewarisan jamak dan le…
Visual BASIC dari Microsoft, bagi kalangan praktisi ataupun akademisi merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang sudah pasti tidak asing lagi. Disamping bahasa pemrogramannya mudah dimengerti, Visual BASIC memang mempunyai sejarah perkembangan yang cukup pesat di negeri ini. Sampai saat ini Visual BASIC saja telah meluncurkan versi terbarunya yang kita kenal sebagai VB-NET.
ArcView GIS adalah satu di antara sekian banyak perangkat lunak yang digunakan dalam sistem informasi geografis. ArcView GIS memiliki kemampuan yang tinggi dalam pembuatan peta digital hingga analisis spasial. Buku ini membahas pembuatan peta digital, teknnik analisis spasial, buffer, query, skoring dan overlay, pengolahan 3 dimensi, analisis theme, serta dasar-dasar sistem informasi spasial. P…
Dalam buku ini membahas teknologi mobile, alat pengembangan mobile computing, aplikasi mobile computing, user interface, CRUD dan upload ke google play console
TI sudah menjadi pilihan utama dalam menciptakan SI perusahaan yang tangguh sehingga mampu melahirkan keunggulan kompetitif dan menjadi strategi unggulan ditengah persaingan yang semakin ketat dewasa ini. Namun, membangun SI perusahaan bukan sekedar mengotomatisasi sebagian proses yang rutin dilakukan. Melainkan menciptakan suatu aliran informasi yang baru yang secara sistematis dan terintegras…
Buku ini membahas inventory bukan sekadar bagaimana menyimpan transaksi barang masuk dan keluar, tetapi juga menekankan pada fungsi manajemen dari kegiatan inventory; dilengkapi kemampuan multi-store yang berguna jika memiliki banyak gudang, teknik pembuatan laporan yang sangat dinamis sehingga isi laporan bisa dikendalikan dari program seutuhnya, mesin report (viewer) hanya menampilkan saja di…
Studi kasus dikemas sedemikian rupa sehingga bisa menjelaskan setiap tahapan proyek yang harus dilalui dalam suatu rangkaian manajemen proyek yang komprehensif (menyeluruh) dan terintegrasi (terpadu). Penulis mengemasnya dalam bentuk contoh praktis dan implementatif. Perlu digarisbawahi bahwa template ini bukanlah bentuk baku dalam manajemen proyek. Anda boleh mengubahnya sesuai kebutuhan proye…
There are not many security-related books in Chinese; the few that have been published deal mostly with handy skills when countering hacker attacks. This book not only describes skills and techniques but also tries to solve security problems in a constructive manner. What I admire about Wu is that he is always willing to collaborate with his colleagues to build a more secure Internet environmen…
This book is primarily addressed to students who are taking a course on the C++ language, to those who wish to self-study the C++ language, as well as to programmers who have experience with C and want to move on to C++. It could also prove useful to instructors of the C++ course, who are looking for explanatory programming examples to add in their lectures.
This book is ideal for Python programmers who want to explore the tools available in the Python ecosystem in order to build their own IoT web stack and IoT-related projects. People from creative and designing backgrounds will also find this book equally useful.
Designing a software system is difficult. Understanding the context in which a software system lives is more difficult. In order to understand that context, developers need to communicate with the business. But there is a lot that can go wrong while communicating with the business. For example people can misunderstand what is being said, they are scared to speak up, tensions could grow, and con…
Current hype aside, the Internet of Things will ultimately become as fundamental as the Internet itself, with lots of opportunities and trials along the way. To help you navigate these choppy waters, this practical guide introduces a dedicated methodology for businesses preparing to transition towards IoT-based business models. With a set of best practices based on case study analysis, expert …
This book, Cisco Unity Connection, by Dave Schulz, hits the bull’s-eye of its intended topic: Cisco Unity Connection. This book zeroes in on the target with clarity and depth. Anyone that uses or considers using the Cisco Unity Connection product needs a copy of this book to read when planning a deployment, administering the features, or troubleshooting problems. Simply put, it’s the kind o…
Information Technology for Management discusses a variety of business strategies and explains how they rely on data, digital technology, and mobile devices to support them in the on demand economy. Our goal is to provide students from any business discipline with a strong foundation for understanding the critical role that digital technology plays in enhancing business sustainability, profitabi…
This book is intended for use in a one-semester course in accounting information systems at either the undergraduate or graduate level. Introductory financial and managerial accounting courses are suggested prerequisites, and an introductory information systems course that covers a computer language or software package is helpful, but not necessary. The book can also be used as the main text in…
Buku ini disusun untuk membantu pembaca khususnya para mahasiswa yang mengikuti mata kuliah Sistem Informasi Berbasis Komputer dan dasar Perancangan Sistem Informasi baik jenjang Diploma maupun Sarjana.
The most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of artificial intelligence The long-anticipated revision of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach explores the full breadth and depth of the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The 4th Edition brings readers up to date on the latest technologies, presents concepts in a more unified manner, and offers new or expan…
Information and communication technology (ICT) has always been dynamic and evolutionary in nature, leading to the continuous emergence of new technologies and business models. The recent advances in terms of available computing resources, software systems and communication networks, and the continuing miniaturization of hardware components have made it possible to integrate ICT into virtua…
For almost four decades, Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach (SEPA) has been the world's leading textbook in software engineering. The ninth edition represents a major restructuring and update of previous editions, solidifying the book's position as the most comprehensive guide to this important subject.
Karena tiada gading yang tak retak, begitu pula bahan ajar ini, maka demi penyempurnaan buku ini, penulis mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang membangun dari mahasiswa serta para pembaca yang telah berkenan membaca bahan ajar ini. Akhir kata, penulis mengharapkan agar bahan ajar ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua,
Buku ajar Sistem Keamanan ini disusun secara sistematis dalam menjelaskan konsep dasar sistem pengamanan data agar pembacanya dapat dengan mudah memahami materi perkuliahan. Pada buku ajar ini, menyajikan berbagai materi dasar terkait sistem keamanan pada sistem operasi, database maupun jaringan. Mata kuliah ini juga memberikan pemahaman tentang kriptografi klasik dan modern sehingga pes…
Many people have helped us over the years in writing the four previous editions of this book. We have benefited from the advice and support of our many professional colleagues across the world and from our students, friends, and families. We especially would like to thank everyone who generously contributed their ideas and time to help make all of the editions of this book successful.
Untuk sebagian besar instruktur, komponen penting dari mata kuliah tentang komunikasi data atau jaringan merupakan proyek atau rangkaian proyek dimana para mahasiswa dapat memperoleh pengalaman untuk memperkuat konsepkonsep dari teks. Buku ini menampilkan tingkat dukungan yang tidak sama untuk komponen proyek yang tercakup dałam mata kuliah ini. Pedoman bagi para instruktur tidak hanya me…
Buku yang menjelaskan tentang sistem informasi
New business practices are driving changes in enterprise networks. The transition from an industrial to an information economy has changed how employees do their jobs, and the emergence of a global economy of unprecedented competitiveness has accelerated the speed at which companies must adapt to technological and financial changes.
Software quality and cybersecurity are comparatively well known in the IT field; however, I am a little dissatisfied when it is given less importance or taken lightly. This is one of the motivations behind writing this book.
Buku yang menjelaskan tentang sistem informasi manajemen
Buku yang menjelaskan tentang sistem informasi manajemen
Buku yang menjelaskan tentang Sistem informasi manajemen
Buku ini membahas mengenai bagaimana sistem informasi manajemen