This new edition is being published at a time when most organisations are feeling the combined impact of globalisation, information technology and rapid changes in their business environment. More sectors of the economy of most countries are becoming ‘knowledge based’. On the negative side there has been an increasing focus on some spectacular failures – such as Enron and WorldCom – lea…
Essentials of Federal Income Taxation for Individuals and Business, 2015 Edition, covers the taxation of individuals for the 2014 tax year. It provides complete coverage in an easy-to-read and easy- to-understand format for your first course in taxation. This practical text helps you understand the tax laws and improve the reporting quality of your tax returns. The coverage does not assu…
This book is intended for use in a one-semester course in accounting information systems at either the undergraduate or graduate level. Introductory financial and managerial accounting courses are suggested prerequisites, and an introductory information systems course that covers a computer language or software package is helpful, but not necessary. The book can also be used as the main text in…
This book is intended to help researchers develop a plan or proposal for a research study. Part I addresses several preliminary considerations that are necessary before designing a proposal or a plan for a study. These considerations relate to selecting an appropriate research approach, reviewing the literature to position the proposed study within the existing literature, deciding on whet…
Like earlier editions, the book serves several markets. It is appropriate for graduate courses in business, economics, and financial engineering. It can be used on advanced undergraduated courses when students have good quantitative skills. Many practitioners involved in derivatives markets find the book useful.
The rights of John O’Connor, Eamonn Galvin and Martin Evans to be identified as authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,…
Students studying computer animation and computer games have to be familiar with geometry, matrices, vectors, rotation transforms, quaternions, curves and surfaces, and as computer graphics software becomes increasingly sophisticated, calculus is also being used to resolve its associated problems. The author draws upon his experience in teaching mathematics to undergraduates to make calculus ap…
Ecology has the distinction of being peculiarly confronted with uniqueness: millions of different species, countless billions of genetically distinct individuals, all living and interacting in a varied and ever-changing world.
Biofuels describes the main fuels and the methods by which they are produced as well as their uses in the transportation and electricity-production sectors. It also describes the implications of large-scale biofuel use on the environment and on the economy with special consideration given to its effects on the price of food. The small-scale use of biofuels—for example, biofuel use as a form o…
Nations around the world already require staggering amounts of energy for use in the transportation, manufacturing, heating and cooling, and electricity sectors, and energy requirements continue to increase as more people adopt more energy-intensive lifestyles. Meeting this ever-growing demand in a way that minimizes environmental disruption is one of the central problems of the 21st century.…
sistem informasi akuntansi edisi 9 ini memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan oleh mereka yang ingin sukses berkarir di bidang akuntansi. buku ini menjelaskan bagaimana sistem informasi mengubah sifat dasar akuntansi. secara khusus, diuraikan bagaimana perkembangan teknologi informasi seperti internet e-commerce dan database telah mengubah cara organisasi dalam melaksanakan keg…
Buku pegangan ini adalah salah satu seri publikasi yang dihasilkan dari Kongres se-Dunia mengenai Taman Nasional dan Kawasan yang Dilindungi, yang diselenggarakan di Bali pada Oktober 1982. Buku pegangan ini merupakan penuntun untuk membantu mereka yang menaruh perhatian pada perencanaan dan pengelolaan kawasan alam yang dilindungi di negara tropika. Cakupan buku ini sangat luas meliputi kegiat…
This book seeks to provide an understanding of the concepts, language, and processes of a problem-solving approach.
Wajah Islam di Barat menurut Esposito memang menyeramkan karena hadir dari minoritas muslim golongan Syi'i, yang sebetulnya hanya 15 persen dari total umat Islam, Pengalaman utama bangsa-bangsa Barat tentang Islam fundamentalismeIslam radikal ala Ayatullah Khomeini. Di Amerika Serikat, Islam Syi'i utamanya identik dengan militansi, antiamerikanisme, dan terorisme. Hal ini jelas mengaburkan khaz…