The advances in sensor design have decreased the size, weight, and cost of sensors by orders of magnitude, yet with the increase of higher spatial and temporal resolution and accuracy. With the fast progress of sensors design and communications technique, sensor networks have also been quickly evolving in both research and practical domains in the last decade. More and more sensor networks have…
INTERNET MARKETING is red-hot, once again. Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, major advertising agencies and major advertisers who once fought the tide are being forced now to redefine how they reach con- sumers and remain relevant. Web companies again are being bought for astronomical sums (Facebook handily rejected a $1 billion offer, Yahoo! rebuffed a $44 billion takeover bid by …
In 1957 my situation was bleak. I was making £7.00 a week editing a small trade journal. Even in those dear, dead days when cigarettes cost the equivalent of 10p a packet this would not support a wife and child – even in the two-up two-down cottage with outside lavatory we lived in. I had to do something.
It was, after all, nearly three decades ago that the “Home of the Whopper” first introduced a simple, seemingly innocuous notion into popular culture that would have profound and unexpected repercus- sions well into the twenty-first century.
In late 1989, I received a phone call from Michael Dertouzos, the founder and head of MIT’s Laboratory for Computer Science. He said he wanted to see me for two reasons; first, to help promote the extraordinary innovations coming out of the lab, and second, to dis- cuss marketing some recent work of a young British researcher who was moving to the lab from a stint at CERN (the Organisati…
This research was conducted under the auspices of the Safety and Justice Program within RAND Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment (ISE). The mission of ISE is to improve the development, operation, use, and protection of society’s essential physical assets and natural resources and to enhance the related social assets of safety and security of individuals in transit and in their workplaces…
The necessity of an ecosystem approach (EA) to fishery management has been gaining worldwide recognition in recent years. This concept provides an attractive alternative to viewing fisheries mainly as a profit-oriented economic enterprise, especially given a growing dissatisfaction with a long, mixed, and in some cases dismal record of resource overfishing, depletion, and collapse. Though …
It is now common knowledge that marine fisheries are in trouble and this trouble extends from near to offshore areas and affects most regions of the Earth. The prob- lems have arisen in the context of a well-developed fisheries science that has largely focused on the resource and the biophysical aspects that control the resource, but has paid less attention to the social aspects of the …
The main goal of IFRS is to safeguard investors by achieving uniformity and transparency in the accounting principles. One of the main challenging aspects of the IFRS rules is the accounting treatment of derivatives and its link with risk management. Whilst it takes years to master the interaction between IFRS 9 (the main guidance on derivatives accounting) and the risk management of market…
Dalam buku ini, Anda akan menemukan alasan mengapa kita harus mempelajari tentang uang, perbankan, dan pasar keuangan beserta penjelasan-penjelasan lain yang saling berhubungan dengan uang, perbankan, dan pasar keuangan.
This is not another book on engineering economics. Rather, this book is directed to the engineering manager or the undergraduate student preparing to become an engineering manager, who is, or will become, actively engaged in the management of economic risk trade-off decisions for engineering investments within an organi- zational system. In today’s global economy, this may mean managing…
Researchers and practitioners have been analyzing data for centuries, by using techniques ranging from traditional statistical tools to more recent machine learning and decision-making methods. Until recently, however, limitations on computing abilities necessitates the use of simplifying assumptions and models, and processing data samples instead of all the available data. In the last deca…
Perubahan iklim merupakan isu global yang mulai menjadi topik perbincangan dunia sejak diadakannya Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Bumi di Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, tahun 1992. Konvensi Perubahan Iklim atau United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) merupakan salah satu konvensi yang tercantum dalam Agenda 21 dan telah disahkan pada konferensi tersebut. Konvensi Perubahan Iklim tela…
On the path towards a knowledge-based society, organisations – firms, public institutions, non-governmental organisations – increasingly face the challenge to mobilise knowledge resources for creating value in a sustainable manner. The transformation towards a digitized economy and society deeply changes how we manage information and knowledge, how we connect, collaborate, learn and de…
This text provides materials for a comprehensive course on management control systems (MCSs). MCSs are defi ned broadly to include everything managers do to help ensure that their organization’s strategies and plans are carried out or, if conditions warrant, are mod- ifi ed. Thus, the text could also be used in any course that focuses on topics related to the back end of the manage…
Waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) has been on the agenda of governments, industry and non-governmental organizations for more than 20 years. In the early 1990s it seemed a relatively straightforward issue to deal with. The consistent application of the ‘producer responsibility’and ‘polluter pays’ principles was expected to keep the societal debate simple and to quickly re…
Second editions of books allow us the rare opportunity to look back at what we were saying and doing some years ago, to reflect, to consider what has changed for the better or worse. In 2004 we did not hold back in our concerns for the environment.
The widespread use of wireless technology in our daily lives has resulted in the increased demand for these devices. While the widespread use of wireless communications systems provides undeniable benefits to consumers, the communication exchanges are vulnerable to adversarial assaults due to the open broadcast nature of the wireless signals.