Suara yang kukenal plus gedoran khas pintunya. Tidak terlalu keras untuk dilayangkan sendai jepit, tapi tidak terlalu lembut untuk diabaikan. Selalu dibubuhi 'ass. wr. wb.' seperti di awal surat atau pidato—demi sopan santun—bahkan pada pintu kamar mandi sekalipun. Tapi teriakannya menghubungkanmu dengan memori kolektif ketika manusia harus saling menghardik untuk dimengerti, yang mun…
Ada banyak buku yang mengajak untuk menjadi seorang entrepreneur. Namun setelah menjadi seorang entrepreneur, perlu adanya sebuah kemampuan tersendiri yakni bagaimana mengelola bisnis itu agar berjalan dengan baik. Bahkan tidak hanya itu, usaha perlu dikembangkan agar tidak hanya berjalan di tempat, tetapi bisa bertumbuh lebih besar lagi. Beberapa orang yang sudah berentrepreneur akan selalu m…
In Part I, the bases are laid down for an account of human communication that may be plausible from a cognitive point of view. There are different possible approaches to the theory of communication. A perennial intuition in the history of philosophy, for instance, has always suggested that communication essentially consists in the transmission of codified information from one individual to anot…
This study is written and published in English, as are predominantly its references to books and articles. Still, my book tries to paint on a broader, transnational canvas.
This book provides a synthetic discussion of the confluence of foreign policy and immigration policy throughout US history; it is not meant to offer a broad, overarching treatment of immigration in American history. While this work will definitely touch on some of those historical narratives, the overall story cannot be told here. Nor is this a grand treatment of the history of US diplomatic re…
While stating the obvious things, smart cities comprise two words, “smart” and “cities”. Thinking of the word smart, the first thing that comes to mind is a competent, selfsustaining and mature environment or person. Combining all these qualities with a technological perspective and the concept of cities is what is meant by the term smart cities.
Personnel data are critical to many public organizations for hiring and recruitment, strategic planning and analysis, as well as reporting data to various local, state, and federal bodies in order to remain compliant with myriad legal requirements. Despite its importance to an organization, having access to accurate data is often not given sufficient attention in the public sector literature. T…
The manual book is inextricably linked to recent tax reforms. One of the most important agendas in this reform journey is the implementation of Law No. 7/2021 concerning the Harmonisation of Tax Regulations, including the issuance of Law No. 6/2023 concerning the Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 2/2022 concerning Job Creation Into a Law. Undoubtedly, Indonesian taxa…
This book designed specifically for poeple who work in the field of taxation and need basic english to communicate with collegues and client in a variety of situations. In the course, you will learn tax-related language and how to acieve your goals in small talk, meetings, presentations, consultations, and email.
Drawing on interviews with library personnel from around the world, Lombard analyzes internationalization at the departmental level of an academic library. Demonstrating that college and library personnel have positive intentions when it comes to internationalization, the research presented nevertheless reveals little commitment to an intentional, holistic role in the libraries studied. Drawing…