Second editions of books allow us the rare opportunity to look back at what we were saying and doing some years ago, to reflect, to consider what has changed for the better or worse. In 2004 we did not hold back in our concerns for the environment.
The widespread use of wireless technology in our daily lives has resulted in the increased demand for these devices. While the widespread use of wireless communications systems provides undeniable benefits to consumers, the communication exchanges are vulnerable to adversarial assaults due to the open broadcast nature of the wireless signals.
By the dawn of the new millennium, robotics has undergone a major transformation in scope and dimensions. This expansion has been brought about by the maturity of the field and the advances in its related technologies. From a largely dominant industrial focus, robotics has been rapidly expanding into the challenges of the human world. The new generation of robots is expected to safely and depe…
This book will inform about wireless networking and around it
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. While all reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, neither the author[s] nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publishers wish to make clear that any views or opinions expressed in this book by indiv…
This new edition is being published at a time when most organisations are feeling the combined impact of globalisation, information technology and rapid changes in their business environment. More sectors of the economy of most countries are becoming ‘knowledge based’. On the negative side there has been an increasing focus on some spectacular failures – such as Enron and WorldCom – lea…
Manajemen sumber daya manusia strategik berbicara mengenai integrasi dan adaptasi yang konsentrasinya untuk memastikan bahwa sumber daya manusia sepenuhnya terintegrasi dengan strategi dan kebutuhan strategik perusahaan; kebijakan sumber daya manusia melekat, baik melampaui area kebijakan maupun hierarki; serta praktik sumber daya manusia telah disesuaikan diterima, dan digunakan oleh manajer l…
Customer relationship management (CRM) as a strategy and as a technology has gone through an amazing evolutionary journey. After the initial technological approaches, this process has matured con- siderably – both from a conceptual and from an applications point of view. Of course this evolution continues, especially in the light of the digital transformation. Today, CRM refers to a strategy…
The world of marketing is changing every day ― and in order for students tohave a competitive edge, they need a text that reflects the best and mostrecent marketing theory and practices. Marketing Management collectivelyuses a managerial orientation, an analytical approach, a multidisciplinaryperspective, universal applications, and balanced coverage to distinguish itfrom all other marketing …
Asian consumers are evolving, and marketing is evolving with them. As businesses connect and engage with their customers in new ways and through a variety of channels, the scope of marketing is expanding to encompass the entire organization, from the firm’s vision and planning to its customers’ needs and strategic partnerships. The seventh edition of Marketing Management: An Asian Persp…
Setiap bab (langkah) buku ini menyebutkan rahasia menghasilkan uang yang telah menghasilkan kekayaan bagi lebih dari lima ratus orang kaya yang telah saya analisis dengan seksama selama beberapa tahun.Kesuksesan tampaknya datang dengan mudah bagi sebagian orang. Mereka tinggal di rumah mewah, mengirim anak-anak mereka ke sekolah terbaik,mengendarai mobil mewah, bepergian ke seluruh dunia, dan m…
Marketing's purpose always is to enhance people's lives and contribute to the Common Good. —Philip Kotler To all Asians, especially my Asia Marketing Federation brothers and sisters. We at MarkPlus, Inc. are very proud to collaborate with Philip Kotler as a knowledge lab for many books since 1998, including the Marketing X.0 series. —Hermawan Kartajaya Dedicated to the loving memory…
On the face of it, econometrics and machine learning share a common goal: to build a predictive model, for a variable of interest, using explanatory variables (or features). However, the two fields have developed in parallel, thus creating two different cultures. Econometrics set out to build probabilistic models designed to describe economic phenomena, while machine learning uses algorithms ca…
Essentials of Federal Income Taxation for Individuals and Business, 2015 Edition, covers the taxation of individuals for the 2014 tax year. It provides complete coverage in an easy-to-read and easy- to-understand format for your first course in taxation. This practical text helps you understand the tax laws and improve the reporting quality of your tax returns. The coverage does not assu…