Perkembangan komputer yang sangat cepat mengharuskan orang untuk lebih dari sekedar mampu menggunakannya. Untuk menguasai komputer, orang perlu memiliki pola pikir yang algoritmis dan terstruktur. Matematika diskrit adalah bahan yang tepat untuk melatih pola pikir demikian.
Traditionally, behaviour and physiology have been considered two separate fields of biology with the majority of available literature focusing on one or the other. Recently the need for a multidisciplinary approach to these topics has been realised, highlighted by some of the sessions to be held at the 2003 annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology such as ‘regulat…
Buku ini dirancang agar pembaca dapat belajar secara mandiri. Buku ini ditujukan juga bagi para pengajar fisika agar mereka dapat menggunakannya sebagai salah satu bahan pengajaran. Terdiri dari tujuh belas bab, setiap bab di buku ini dimulai dengan teori dasar dan istilah-istilah fisika dasar, kemudian diikuti dengan beberapa contoh soal dan latihan.
Matematika diskrit (discrete mathematics atau finite mathematics) adalah cabang matematika yang mengkaji objek-objek diskrit
This book is written in textbook format and presents an overview of different aspects of fish genetics in an understandable and systematic style. The materials of the book are divided into seven chapters. The first chapter reviews data on variability and evolution of fish chromosomes, meiosis and development of eggs and spermatozoa, and fertilization. The second chapter covers materials on Mend…
Pembahasan buku ini mengenai dasar-dasar kimia seperti penjelasan tentang atom, molekul, ion, stoikiometri, reaksi kimiaa, gas, tabel periodik, ikatan kimia, pengenalan kimia organik, dan gaya antarmolekul.
Edisi ketiga dari General Chemistry: The Esssential Concepts (terbit di Indonesia dengan juul Kimia Dasar: Konsep-kosep Inti,dalam dua volume)ini melanjutkan tradisi kedua edisi sebelumnya sebagai buku yang menyajikan materi-materi inti ini,diharapkan para mahasiswa akan memperoleh dasar ilmu kimia yang mantap. Walaupun buku ini lebih tipis (total Jilid 1+ Jilid 2 sekitar 800 halaman),daripada …
The Theme of the Book The Ocean happens to be the last frontier of mankind. The future of mankind depends very much on the oceans, its resources, exploitation and the technologies of its exploitation. The Book "Oceanography A Brief Introduction" describes the geophysical, climatic and biological phenomena of the oceans. It stresses the importance of the oceans for mankind and its future. Writte…
Matematika diskrit (eiscreie mathemancs atau finite mathematics) adalah cabang matematika yang mengkaji objek-objek diskrit. Buku Matematika Diskrit (Revisi Ketujuh) disusun sebagai buku teks mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Matematika Diskrit. Matematika Diskrit merupakan mata kuliah yang fundamental dalam pendidikan ilmu komputer atau Teknik Informatika. Bahkan, saat ini Matematika Disk…
Penyakit semakin menarik untuk diteliti dan diungkapkan di level seluler dan molekuler, apalagi didukung dengan teknologi untuk analisis molekuler seperti elektroforesis, PCR, dan sekuencing. Konsep dasar di bidang biologi sel dan molekuler perlu diketahui dan dikuasai oleh mahasiswa kedokteran sebab banyak Fakultas Kedokteran di Indonesia ini menggiatkan mahasiswa semester atas melakukan pe…
Pp. xii, 210; 137 text-figures (mostly fine black-and-white photos, some maps). Publisher's original turquoise green cloth, lettered in silver on the spine, and with a fish motif on the front cover, 4to. This work presents 290 species of fish belong to 120 genera and 40 families. One new family of catfish, three new genera and 25 new species are described in this monograph. This work is based o…
Global warming and climate change are growing environmental concerns which are much in the scientific, governmental and public eye. The potential impact on freshwater and marine fishes is immense, because most fish have no physiological ability to regulate their body temperature. This volume focuses on the effects of temperature at all levels of organization in fish, with particular emphasis on…
This monograph is the result of requests from graduate and undergraduate students for a set of notes introducing the comparative pathology of fish. These notes therefore tend to compare the responses of fish tissues with those of mammals and, where possible, to highlight the differences. They are not intended to be an exhaustive list of etiologies, but rather should be viewed as an attempt to i…
This book is a timely reference text that highlights the role of vaccination in the fast-growing aquaculture industry. It discusses topics such as vaccine formulation, vaccine delivery, and enhancing the immune response of fish using nanoparticles. Information related to vaccine safety, ethical approval, and regulations is also discussed, together with dissemination of vaccines to fish farms ac…
The pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus, 1758), or northern pike as it is called in most of North America, is an iconic fish species that has fascinated mankind throughout history. Its large size and characteristic appearance have likely contributed to various tall stories, some of which are beautifully saved in Izaak Walton’s “The Compleat Angler or the Contemplative man’s Recreation” from 1653…
This is the second edition of the book that was originally published as Photo Guide to Fishes of the Maldives, by Rudie H Kuiter, in 1998. Fishes of the Maldives Indian Ocean has been fully revised and substantially expanded to include, for the first time, all the sharks and rays of the Maldives known within a divers depth range. In the present volume, changes have been made to the scientific L…
The stimulus for the 2006 version of this book was the publication of the Biology of Freshwater Crayfi sh , edited by David M. Holdich, in 2002, published by Blackwell Science Ltd. The Holdich book was different to most other texts dealing with similar material, in that although there are topics such as growth, nutrition and reproduction and behaviour, the full material for the commercial speci…
The marine and brackishwater aquaculture is defined as the rearing of marine or brackishwater organisms under controlled environmental and feed conditions. Aquaculture is a rapidly growing food production industry, accounting for over one-third of global fisheries production and is a lucrative industry in the domestic and international markets.
This edited volume “Aquaculture Perspective of Multi-Use Sites in the Open Ocean: The Untapped Potential for Marine Resources in the Anthropocene” comes at a critical time for our planet. A 2015 article in Science updated the long-range population projections of the United Nations in 1992. In contrast to the 1992 UN estimate, the Science paper showed no stabilization of the world’s popula…
What is a bestiary? In classical and medieval times, the bestiary described both familiar and exotic creatures, combining natural history with folklore and moral lessons. A medieval bestiary will tell us that the wolf, for example, is a predator of the earth and sometimes the sky, strong in shoulders and jaw, who cunningly approaches its prey upwind. In the dark, its shining eyes are strangely …
Developmental biology is the study of growth, development, regeneration, sexual and asexual reproduction, metamorphosis, and the growth and differentiation of stem cells in the adult organism. Such studies used to be carried out by using morphological, anatomical, and microscopic approaches, and the scope of understanding was mostly limited to answering what happens with each of these processes…
Pada tanggal 21 Maret 2016, Tetra Tech diberi mandat untuk melaksanakan Proyek SEA USAID oleh Misi USAID Indonesia. Proyek ini adalah inisiatif lima tahun yang memberikan dukungan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia untuk memperbaiki tata kelola sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan dan untuk melestarikan keanekaragaman hayati di tingkat lokal, kabupaten, provinsi, dan nasional. Proyek SEA USAID memfokusk…
Kehadiran buku ini diharapkan mampu memberikan sajian informasi kekayaan sumberdaya hayati dan ulasan yang memadai atas upaya pengelolaan efektif kawasan konservasi perairan, pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil yang telah dilakukan serta dapat dipetik pembelajaran dalam rangka pengembangan pengelolaan efektif kawasan konservasi dimasa yang akan datang.