The Digital Closet unpacks and answers the question of “whose community” is being kept safe when so-called community-safety policies regarding human sexuality are imposed onto online communities. There is a moral gravity here. Our experience of the internet, and therefore our ability to work, play, grow, heal, and love, has been warped by structures of power only accountable to themselves. …
International regimes are defined as principles, norms, rules, and decisionmaking procedures around which actor expectations converge in a given issue-area. As a starting point, regimes have been conceptualized as intervening variables, standing between basic causal factors and related outcomes and behavior. There are three views about the importance of regimes: conventional structural orientat…
Tahun 2003 dirayakan sebagai tahun ke-50 terjalinnya hubungan kemitraan antara Ford Foundation dengan Indonesia. Dalam rangka merayakan hubungan yang bersejarah ini, kantor perwakilan Jakarta dibawah tema Celebrating Indonesia telah melakukan berbagai kegiatan, termasuk menerbitkan beberapa buku yang salah satu diantaranya adalah buku ini. Penerbitan buku-buku ini diharapkan dapat menyamp…
Buku ini membahas mengenai ilmu komunikasi dalam teori dan praktek
Era pasca-Suharto menawarkan wajah Islam Indonesia yang amat berbeda. Selama beberapa tahun, terjadi konlik antaragama di seluruh negeri. Gerakan jihad (didukung oleh faksi militer dan kelompok- kelompok kepentingan di daerah) membawa panji-panji Islam ke konlik-konlik di daerah, mengubahnya menjadi medan perang untuk sebuah perjuangan yang tampaknya akan memecah-belah
Kepulauan Indonesia yang merupakan suatu gugusan yang terpanjang dan terbesar di dunia, menurut para ahli ilmu geologi, mendapat ben- tuknya kira-kira seperti apa yang kita kenal sekarang ini, pada akhir Kala Es terakhir atau Kala Glacial Wurm l). Pada Kala Es itu, yang kata- nya berlanpung kira-kira setengah juta tahun yang lalu, daerah es di, kutub utara dan selatan jauh lebih luas darip…
Akhir Perang Dingin mengantar kita pada era baru politik internasional. Selama satu dekade lebih, bentuknya masih terlihat samar-samar. Banyak upaya memahaminya masih terpaku pada acuan lama. Kemudian terjadi serangan 11 September 2001, yang menghamparkan sebuah babak baru dalam perkembangan sejarah Amerika Serikat dan dunia. Pemahaman kita tentang berbagai persoalan dalam era baru ini selalu s…
Welcome to The SAGE Handbook of Diplomacy. Handbooks generally aspire to give readers a handy toolkit, a practical guide. Recalling one of the most famous handbooks of diplomacy, Sir Ernest Satow’s A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, the aim was to offer ‘practical utility, not only to members of the services, but also to the general public and to writers who occupy themselves with internationa…
There are three reasons for writing this second edition. First, the world does not stand still. Territorial disputes such as the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict or the South China Sea tensions, civil wars such as in Syria, international terrorism, economic sanctions exchanged between the European Union and Russia, increasing numbers of migrants to the European Union and the United States, combating Eb…
Asal mula studi Hubungan lnternasional (HI) dapat ditelusuri jauh ke belakang. Pada n1asa pra-n1odern, kajian-kajian ya11g dapat dimasukkan dalan1 kategori studi HI berada dalam lingkup ilmu strategi militer. Karya sejarawan Yunani kuno, Thucydides (460 BC - 400 BC), The History of'the Peloponnesian W1r, dan karya Sun Tzu, The Art of W1r (512 BC) n1erupakan contoh klasik dari kajian studi …
Competence in communication is vital for our health, our relationships, and indeed for all of the activities in which we engage as functioning humans (Hannawa & Spitzberg, 2015). Studies have shown a clear and positive relationship between effective interpersonal skills and a range of benefits such as greater happiness in life, resilience to stress and psychosocial problems, and enhanced a…
The purpose of this Communication Handbook is to assist you in communicating effectively. It gives clear practical tips per each topic that might be applicable to your daily communication within the company.
Buku ini membahas mengenai hukum humaniter internasional
Communication is essential for life. The purpose of this book is to document this claim by presenting fundamental principles of human communication that enhance the quality of our communication with others as well as the quality of our own lives. Most students who read this book will take only one course in communication during their entire college career. We want students to view this course o…
As a time-honoured method of international cooperation, diplomacy has been often besieged by questions regarding the “magic and mystery” of how it works, succeeds or fails (Sharp 2009, 2). Bull’s view of diplomacy as “the conduct of relations between states and other entities with standing in world politics by official agents and by peaceful means” (Bull 1997, 156) remains the most co…
How did humans develop the ability to communicate? Are humans the only creatures on earth that communicate? What purpose does communication serve in our lives? Answers to these historical, anthropological, and social-scientific questions provide part of the diversity of knowledge that makes up the field of communication studies. As a student of communication, you will learn that there is much m…
We take pleasure in presenting the 2016 Supplement on recent developments in Admiralty and Maritime Law. Since the publication of this book in 2011, significant cases have been handed down and significant international developments have occurred. We have endeavored to include cases and developments up to July 1, 2016.
In international law, a classic example of the intersection between law and technology comes from the law of the sea. Prior to the modern 12 nautical mile limit of a state’s territorial sea, the so-called cannon shot rule put this distance at 3 nautical miles – the distance reflecting the technological capacity of cannons at the time.
Promoting sustainable development opens up debates about our relationship with the natural world, about what constitutes social progress and about the character of development, both in the North and the South, in the present and into the future. This concise and accessible text explores the prospects for and barriers to the promotion of sustainable development in the high-consumption societ…
Sejumlah buku sudah terbit dan mengungkapkan sejarah politik kontemporer Indonesia, khusus masa lahirnya reformasi yang ditandai dengan mundurnya Presiden Soeharto dari gelanggang politik di Indonesia. Buku-buku tersebut —beberapa di antaranya ditulis oleh pelaku sejarah— telah membantu kita menelaah sejarah perpolitikan di Indonesia, dalam sebuah kurun waktu tertentu. Tetapi, sejuju…
Dinamika berbangsa dan bernegara Indonesia selama satu dekade terakhir tampak mengalami banyak perubahan yang mendasar. Yang paling kasat mata adalah adanya peningkatan kebebasan berpendapat dan berpartisipasi dalam hampir semua aspek penting dari pengelo- laan negara. Sebagian orang menyebutnya sebagai fenomena penguatan proses demokrasi. Proses ini pula yang antara lain diyakini bisa m…