“The Book on Management is a must read history lesson on why most eople fail as managers, and it follows through with the actionable plans you need to become a successful one. Kim ball’s easy-to-read style cuts through the corporate noise with no-nonsense takeaways that you can begin using to day! What more could you want in a book?”
Big data are changing the way we work as companies face an increas-ing amount of data. Rather than replacing a human workforce or making decisions obsolete, big data are going to pose an immense innovating force to those employees capable of utilizing them. This book intends to first convey a theoretical understanding of big data. It then tackles the phenomenon of big data from the perspectives…
The first edition of my Disorders of Personality text (1981) was widely regarded as the classic book in the field. Given its coordination with a theory of personality and psychopathology and with the then newly published DSM-III, it gained immediate acceptance among mental health professionals, the audience for which it was intended. As the years wore on, however, the readership of the book…
Written by leading international experts, this comprehensive volume presents a wide variety of theoretical positions on maritime security, detailing its achievements and outlining outstanding issues faced by those in the field. The book includes studies which cover the entire spectrum of activity along which maritime security is developing, including piracy, cyber security, energy security,…
The economic importance of retailing is constantly increasing, as can be seen from the development of many countries across Europe, America and Asia. In highly developed countries, retailers are taking an increased leadership role in every distribution channel. Expansion strategies, retail branding strategies, innovative solutions for supply chain man- agement and many other developments …
This book is an easily accessible and comprehensive guide which helps make sound statistical decisions, perform analyses, and interpret the results quickly using Stata. It includes advanced coverage of ANOVA, factor, and cluster analyses in Stata, as well as essential regression and descriptive statistics. It is aimed at those wishing to know more about the process, data management, and most co…
important because the spirit of entrepreneur- ship is alive and thriving as never before in the United States and around the globe. And there has never been a better time to raise capital. This book would not be possible without the editorial and logistical support of Jennifer Robinson and David Harrison at Kiplinger Books. I tip my hat to Rosemary Neff for her skillful copy editing an…
This book was written for those interested in creating social change for the greater good. In this book, we provide a wide selection of social marketing cases from which we can learn and teach. The book is intended for both academic and practitioner use. Part I of this book offers a brief yet comprehensive review of social marketing. This provides the reader with the background in social change…
Buku Manajemen Strategi : Pendekatan secara teori dan kajian kasus ini ditulis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para pembaca yaitu mahasiswa khususnya mahasiswa program studi manajemen untuk memperoleh pemahaman secara mendalam mengenai langkah strategis perusahaan dalam mengelola organisasi secara efektif dan efisien.
The National Research Council (NRC) has published several previous reports on the nutrition and feeding of fish, the most recent of which is the Nutrient Requirements of Fish (1993). Since 1993 a large amount of information on fish and shrimp nutrition has been published. Consequently, many of the requirements and recommendations set forth in the 1993 report are no longer relevant or appropriat…
Nutrition and Fish Health is a compilation of infor mation by experts in the field of aquatic an imal health and aquatic an imal nu trition. This is the first such effort that relates the im por tance of nu tri tional wellbeing to the health of aquatic an imals and their susceptibility to infectious diseases, and the abil ity of their immune systems to re sist or control diseases. This volume w…
Aquascaping offers a unique way to connect with nature in any living space. INTRODUCTION WHAT IS AQUASCAPING? quascaping is the art of creating beautiful aquariums. I like to explain the term as landscape gardening . . . but under water. It is well known that aquariums provide therapeutic value to those who view them for any length of time.
Ornamental fish attracts human beings of all ages alike including children. Fish keeping has emerged as the second most popular hobby in recent years, next to photography. The sector’s contribution is a very small but unique and vital part of an international fish trade. Considering great demand in the international market for indigenous fish of India and the large ornamental fish diversi…
Environmental protection has, for at least the last 50 years, been a major concern in the civilized nations of the world. The concern initially was limited to public health but has, since the 1970s, been expanded to include the environment. As stewards of our environment, we are responsible for the protection of the environment, for our own sakes and for the benefit of generations to follow.…
Statistical background is essential for researchers in order to be able to design proper scientific experiments, analyze and interpret data correctly, and present their findings appropriately. However, most aquaculture scientists/ researchers have limited knowledge in statistics.
The collection of data about the spatial distribution of the significant features of the earth's surface has long been an important part of the activities of organized societies. From the earliest civilizations to modern times, spatial data have been collected by navigators, geographers and surveyors, and rendered into pictorial form by map makers or cartographers. Originally, maps were use…
Buku yang membahas tentang ekonomi perikanan
Fish Genetics and Aquaculture Biotechnology is an outcome of the International Conference on "Advanced Technologies in Fisheries and Marine Sciences" organized by the Center for Marine Sciences and Technology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. Representative contributions from the sessions on Transgenesis, Chromosome Engineering and Sex Control, Molecular Endocrinology, Microbal Diseases …
Implementasi metode produksi guna menghasilkan ikan berukuran sesuai permintaan pasar serta pengadaan benih untuk spesies ikan nila dan patin telah berkembang dengan baik di kalangan para pembudidaya ikan. Namun demikian, terdapat beberapa informasi penting yang masih perlu untuk diketahui khususnya oleh para pembudidaya ikan nila dan patin, maupun pembudidaya ikan, praktisi, serta akademisi di…
Peran guru profesional dalam proses pembelajaran sangat penting sebagai kunci keberhasilan belajar siswa. Guru profesional adalah guru yang kompeten membangun proses pembelajaran yang baik sehingga dapat menghasilkan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan berkarakter prima. Hal tersebut menjadikan guru sebagai komponen yang menjadi fokus perhatian pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah dalam p…
Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang terkenal dengan jumlah pulau yang sangat banyak (sekitar 17000 pulau) dan membentang pada jarak 5100 km. Banyaknya pulau yang berlimpah tersebut, menyebabkan sektor kelautan memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam perekonomian bangsa, terutama sektor perikanan, armada kapal perikanan, dan sistem transportasi lokal. Memiliki wilayah laut yang lua…
Buku yang membahas tentang perkembangbiakan komoditas perikanan air tawar
Penyuluhan adalah sistem pendidikan diluar sekolah (informal) yang diberikan kepada sasaran yaitu petani (dalam arti luas) dan keluarganya dengan maksud agar mereka mampu, sanggup dan berswadaya memperbaiki atau meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarganya sendiri atau bila dimungkinkan mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat disekelilingnya. Penyuluh sebagai pelaku utama dalam kegiatan peny…
Aquaculture has a long history with its origins dating back to at least 475 BC in China (Milne, 1973). Trout culture started in Germany in 1741 (Leitritz and Lewis, 1980) but it wasn't until the 1880's that trout culture came to the U.S. This was the first U.S. aquaculture effort. However, aquaculture was not of much importance until the late 1940s when it was discovered that aquaculture m…